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Astro Space Party leads me on a strange quest

I'm gonna tell you what I did for 8 hours this week.  Expecting to battle a wizard, I went up to Game Empire in Pasadena where the bleachers are all set up for the Rose Parade, and there are banners with roses and its warm outside, which I'm not used to for Winter.  Driving through tunnels toward the mountains with Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain" got me pumped for my wizard battle.  Inside the Game Empire is carpeted gray floor with shelves of Warhammer miniatures, scale modelling materials, chess sets, every imaginable board game, and a group of card tables on a stage in the middle.  This group of tables was filled with men there for the weekly convention of strategy gaming.  I was afraid to ask what they were playing.  Never wake a sleeping dragon.  I can't say I felt entirely comfortable being in a place with so many bald top pony tails and strange mustaches.  I was looking for one specific thing.  A large red 12-sided die.

A bespectacled red polo shirt sales guy turned to me and asked "Can I help you with Something?" He's a sweet guy, friendly fellow, loves his job, has red hair.  I said "Don't give me any of your Shit! I need a 12 sided die s.t.a.t."  He didn't bat an eyelash and led me directly to what I needed.  I kept my distance though, his stonewall reaction led me to wonder if he's used to being treated like that or got the joke, or was filing it away for when he goes postal and casts an expanding foam spell on the the entire store.

You see, I was invited to make predictions for Astro Space Party, an accumulation of strange videos from artists and musicians with astrology as a starting point.  I wasn't sure what to do for my prediction considering there is no causal link between what the celestial bodies do and the individual personalities of us humans.  

The first premise of astrology is "As above, so below."  What above is affecting what below?  Cosmic planets seen on the horizon at birth affect my mood this week?  Oh boy.   I'm not sure I can get behind the reasoning, so I made a set of predictions stemming from Logical Fallacies (the SGU has a terrific list of these), and then rolled a red 12-sided die to choose the order of those predictions.  Furthermore I used that same die to make a musical arrangement  as the soundtrack for this effort.  I make no claims to the validity of this video's predictions, but I sure do make claims as to the art of it.  I hope you find it sufficiently Odd and slightly beautiful, or at the very least, quiet from the holiday storm.


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Reader Comments (1)

It is a fate of birth discrimination. No one chooses the gender or ethnic background they are born as. If we judge people based on this, that is called sexism and racism. Also no can choose when they are born, judging people with a calendar is called astrology. The is not a shred of evidence for the stereotyping that astrology must make. Take away the stereotyping and there is no astrology.

Few think about the bigotry that is natural in astrology. It is not ethical to judge others by fate of birth. That is what wishful thinking and self deception will do. This is unique in fortune telling. No other type shows such bias toward even it's fellow believers.

"Aquarius is a miscellaneous set of stars all at different distances from us, which have no connection with each other except that they constitute a (meaningless) pattern when seen from a certain (not particularly special) place in the galaxy (here)."

May 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHoroskope

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