Hello all you generous kickstarter contributors. You'll be pleased to know that the premiums are ready and will be shipping out at the end of the week. The gorgeous little medallions have a layered gesso finish that is finalized with the oil of my hands. Painted on the surface of these medallions is a never-ending line from the tip of a brush. Additionally, they are made from the scrap of the wooden forms that became the concrete piers. You will hold a piece that formed the foundation of the sculpture.
For those who chose the works on paper as your premium, you will be receiving a pop-up book of sorts that directs your gaze to the center of our milky way galaxy around about the Sagittarius constellation.
This little map gives you a glimpse into the interior of the upper observation deck's structure. If you visit the Woodshed, and I hope you do, this correlates to the actual view southwest in the Summer.