Entries in rothko (1)
Odd Geometry (Dispatch Kansas City)

Kansas City is a fine city. Everything seems big here, and its got that great sordid history many great Midwestern river towns posses and can't quite scrub away. It's just dirty enough to make a travelling fella feel like he can walk around and not worry about disturbing the peace. There is a great art piece installed near the Federal Reserve Building and impressive monument to the veterans of the Great War. It consists of stacked shipping containers made by John Salvest and it says "IOU" on one side and "USA" on the other. It's funny and looks appropriately expensive to assemble. It was a wholesome experience to get to know some of the occupyers and to hear their tales of cultural and societal woe. They seem a peaceful bunch and I support them like I do all the engaged citizens actively trying to make the world a better place with thier bodies and minds.
Speaking of bodies... Rodin sure did explore the form and proportion and contortion of the human figure. It took 6 hours at the Nelson Atkins to re-acquaint myself with the pleasures of their great collection of figurative work. they currently have a show of George Copeland Ault, Andrew Wyeth and others as part of their "To Make a World" Exhibit. If that high and tight white guy painting makes one a little leary, there is also a Romare Beardon prints selection which I am saving for tomorrow. There is a black Rothko which changes your eyes a bit, and of course the Shuttlecocks of Oldenburg have held up well and still serve to de-formalize all that classical pomp. As an art student back in the early 90's I was there right after they were installed on the grounds, and it is still fun to imagine what they must look like from one of those police helicopters.
I've been noticing I have many new subscribers. Thank you for that. If you would like to see more dispatches or have a glance at some of the sketches from museums around the country I might be persuaded to send some editioned copies in the mail to you. Thank you subscribers! Every little bit helps. If you are interested in receiving art in the mail, you can subscribe to the left. As always, I look forward to hearing from you.